
Is Your Corrugated Stored Correctly?

Moisture and heat are the two environmental factors that can create the most trouble for corrugated. Warehouses are seldom climate-controlled. As temperatures rise and fall throughout the day, the humidity in the warehouse or even the trailer can fluctuate widely. Changing seasons can have an impact, too.  In arid and humid climates, the relative humidity […]

How Can a Packaging Assessment Save Me Money?

You stick your product in a brown box, stuff in some bubble wrap, tape it up, and you’re good to go, right? Not so fast. If this is your method for packaging your product, you could be costing yourself more than you realize.   A packaging assessment can reveal the opportunities where changes could save you […]

Is Your Corrugated Supplier the Right Type For Your Needs?

The raw materials used to manufacture corrugated board come from cellulose fiber from wood. The corrugated is processed into boxes, which are used to hold and protect products. However, not all boxes are created equal, and the best value for you will and where you ultimately purchase your boxes depends on your needs. There are […]

Many Companies Miss This Key Method For Saving Money On Packaging

Product packaging is the often underappreciated hero of the product life cycle. Without proper packaging, most products would never make it safely through transit to the end user. But when it comes to sourcing packaging, some companies look for the lowest unit price. We support not wanting to overpay for packaging, but many fail to […]